Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Regional Volunteer Message Sent 10/18/16

Good Morning-

I hope you are all doing well.  Our coaching/athletic staff at LCS are working hard to prepare for the 1A West Regional XC Championship meet in Swannanoa on October 29th.  

This is our conference's year to host this meet and LCS has taken lead in these efforts.  I decided to take lead because we have a wonderful group of parents, teachers, and administrators that will put on a first-class regional championship.

We are still looking for some help for the regional meet.  If you don't see your name and you have talked to Mark Schild or myself please send us an e-mail so we can get you down to help out. Please send the e-mail to both of us.

I have the following parents signed up to help out so far
Laura Reed
Hope and Jeff Elliot 
Mr. Givens

We have had a great amount of support from staff members/administration and even former LCS employees.  If you have not volunteered, please consider doing so.  It takes a lot of support to host this meet and make it run smoothly.  

I understand the want/need to see your child run but we really need all hands on deck for this meet.  There are positions where you will be able to see a lot of running and help out with the meet. Please understand that this also puts a strain on our coaching staff and we are doing our part and pulling our weight to make this a success.  Those of you that have a background in XC and/or track would be a great help because of your experience.

Please contact Mark Schild and Coach Williams ASAP if you can or are willing to help in our efforts.

Very Respectfully
Coach Williams